Rainy Day Spring Wedding at Oakdale

With a spring wedding you always run the chances of having rain on your wedding day and that was looking like it was going to be a guarantee for Matt and MacKenzie. But we lucked out and had the day photographers dream of- OVERCAST almost all day! It was definitely misty at times, but let me just tell you- rainy wedding days at Oakdale are so incredibly romantic!! The view of the pond behind the ceremony site was everything I need my life, perfectly peaceful. I’ll take a rainy spring wedding at Oakdale any day of the week!

MacKenzie is so fun-loving and outgoing and Matt is more quiet and reserved. But their chemistry is FIRE, it’s undeniable. The way he looks at her melts me.

Their sweet day was full of surprises from start to finish! From MacKenzie’s show stopping dress, the tear filled private vows, the rain/mist that would just pop of out of nowhere, to the surprise hair change during cocktail hour (🤩 yes, MacKenzie actually had several inches of her hair cut and then re-styled during cocktail hour!), during the reception MacKenzie’s grandma’s were leaving it all on the dance floor with some moves that I don’t think I could keep up with if I tried! And the live music! Ah! It’s too good, take a look for yourself!

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